Clapotis Swatch - detail
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.
Ok, so everyone, and I really mean everyone, has knit this fabulous pattern from knitty.com. I've just been waiting til the time is right.
I did research about yarn and modifications and decided to marry 2 goals and use my Violet's Pink Ribbon Yarn to make a Clapotis narrow scarf.
I bought this sport weight yarn from Lisa Souza to assist the hilarious Miss V in times of trouble, but didn't have any plans for it. When I began to think about maybe making some plans, I checked out photos of what other people were making. And... I wasn't crazy about it. Narrower items just looked pink and splotchy to me and wider items had odd pooling. Most people had ordered it in a sock weight and there were many socks. I ordered it in sport because I knew I was not going to be making socks. There were a variety of non-sock projects as well, but I just couldn't imagine making anything I would actually wear, since I am mostly not a pink-wearer. So I left it in the stash.
Then along comes ravelry.
I looked and looked at the yarn in its permutations and decided that it might work as a nice springy holey scarf. But serious swatching would be necessary to decide how the colorway would work best. So I found the tips on Needles & Hooks blog and began with a 25 stitch swatch. The following posts will follow my various experiments in the swatch.
So far, I really like the colorway. It is so pretty to knit with, I just want to find the perfect match for it to look as pretty in a knitted fabric. It is like knitting with easter bunny yarn. Perfect for right now.
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