Friday, January 16, 2009

Green Meret

Green Meret
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

The Point Sweater has become too large for subway knitting, so I've begun the Mystery Beret by Wooly Wormhead to knit on my commute.

Needles: 7 circular
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Forest Heathers
Pattern: Mystery Beret

I like this pattern, simple and quick, easy to pick up and put down, and figure out where I am.

The yarn is a bit scritchy, but maybe it'll soften up after washing.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

HBC Swatch for Five Point Sweater

HBC Swatch for Five Point Sweater
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

I have been incredibly busy this season knitting secret gifts, which I've forgotten to photograph. But now, Finally, I can get back to a project I started this fall. Here is the swatch I made for a sweater I'm designing.

It's a cardigan.

It's got a hood.

It will be snuggly and Canadian.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Craft Nook - The After

Craft Area - The After
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

And here it is. I love it. I love having a space where the supplies belong, where I'm not moving aside something else to work. And when it is neat, the office looks like a place where things get done.

Detail shots below.

Craft Area - Butcher Block Sewing Table
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Craft Area - Under Butcher Block stowage
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Craft Area - DVD Storage Shelving
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Odd-shaped work table
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Carving out a corner of one's own.

Earlier this year, Jenny and I decided it was time to clean the house. Really clean it. And also do a little micro re-decorating. To have a nice summer house for drinking sangria and reading in the living room without being afraid of a growing stack of papers falling and spilling across the room, or the dog's fur attaining enough volume to become sentient.

In the midst of this we decided that the kitchen needed a new storage system, and that this meant we needed to find a place for the butcher block. I decided that this place would be a corner of the office heretofore devoted to camping equipment, props and costumes from various shows and milk crates full of scripts. I would use this butcher block for my sewing machine and create a (angelic chorus here) CRAFTING AREA.

Not a craft room. Just a nook. With supplies neatly boxed and inspiration visible.

Renovations were completed in the kitchen, the butcher block moved to near its new home, but it took a while longer to get to the actually carving and creating. In the meantime, I mentioned it to my college roommate, who said to please take pictures because she loves before and after.

That did the trick. I knocked off a few shots, and set to work. Here it is in all it's pre-craft area glory, the office corner full of stuff.

The corner of the office, before
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Feel free to be amazed about NYC apartments.

The corner of the office, before
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

I'll answer any questions.

The view from the corner of the office, before
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Catch you on the flip-side.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's a Skimmer Sock

Skimmer Sock, modelled
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

I finished this a while back, but there is still only one skimmer sock, mostly because I couldn't find my other skimmer shoe. This is the difficulty of living in a NYC apartment where all your shoes get jumbled in three cubic feet of hall closet with two other people's shoes.

Back when I had the idea for these, the low cut skimmer sock didn't exist on the general market. However, once finished a plethora of cheap options are available at your local chain shoe store. So, I missed the boat a bit there.

I used size 0's, Regia Jacquard, pattern my own. If anyone's interested, I can write it up and publish it.

Skimmer Sock, modelled
Skimmer Sock, modelled
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Working out a new pattern

Sock in Progress
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

So I've had this idea for some time, see if you can guess what it is before I put up the finished photos.

Yarn: Regia Jacquard
Needles: US 0

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Clapotis Scarf - Magnolia Buds

Clapotis Scarf - Magnolia Buds
Originally uploaded by StoneAmazon.

So I went to the Conservatory Garden in Central Park today to knit at lunch, because I suspected things had begun to bloom. The pink on my needles was reminding me of pink tree blossoms. Was I right or what? The beginnings of the magnolia blooms were perfectly matched. There are cherry trees there as well, but those have not begun to bud yet. I'll keep my eyes open.

Fortunately it was still a bit chilly today so there were only a few hardy garden lovers who witnessed me awkwardly holding up a scarf against a tree to take photos.